3rd times the charm
Hey everyone, welcome back
Well as you can see from the top image, 3rd company crossed the finish line this week. But that's not where I'm starting off, because before I could finish them off, I had a tournament to prep for. This started as a doubles event, the initial plan was for me to provide the guns, had he was the push. So first up was more attack bikes to get done:
This bought me up to 10 completed attack bikes, more than the 9 I was running, so I switched over to the transfers, first up the land speeders:
At the same time I was working on the bases for the attack bikes, but I also added 3rd companies bases in to the mix as well. I finished up the bases and transfers for the attack bikes around the same time:
I was feeling good, a couple more transfers to finish, and the army was ready, when COVID struck again. This time, a bunch of the teams lost players, and we suddenly pivoted to a friendly/competitive event. This was a great chance to test out my 2k teams list, so I found myself scrambling to get the models I needed, with some drives over Auckland to pick up models, and hurridly finishing bases, building models and painting parts. Along with a couple models I borrowed on the day, this is how the list ended up finishing:
The event
I won't spend too much time breaking this down. My role in teams is to be a hammer, so I was hoping to blow armies away, but I struggled to really achieve that. We played 5 games over the weekend, with the chance to swap lists over night. I only won the one game day one, with my issue was getting caught by fast combat troops, and achieving secondaries. To help this I dropped in a block of deathwing, but it didn't really solve the problem. I've got a few weeks to test, so I'll be trying some different variations on this list to see what I can come up with.
Once I got back from the event, I took a few nights off, then kicked into finishing the bases for 3rd company:
Once this was done, I glued them all on, and due to 3rd having the chapter symbols, they became the first 100% complete company in the chapter!
Here they are:
That's all for this week. Next up will likely heading towards finishing 6th company, and adding chapter symbols to the finished companies.
See you then
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