
Tank shock

 Hi everyone  Well, in my last update, I had just started working on a massive batch of vehicles. In today's update, they are finished! Here is the full lot below: I painted this in smaller batches, so here are the close ups of each batch: The exciting thing is, that is the full chapter painted! There are some main tasks left, a big batch of bases is next, then it will be transfers for a while. Finally I have some banners for the Sargeants. I have a work trip in the middle of June, so I'm expecting that to be done some time in July.  See you then! Mark

New edition check in 3

 Hey everyone  I was aiming to do these check ins weekly, but missed last week, as I was finishing up the marine batch.  On the bright side, that's done! Here's a quock look if you hadn't seen these photos: With all the infantry now officially painted, I was eying up the tanks. Unfortunately, 2 of them needed to be built, a fellblade/glaive, and a falchion. To keep the progress up, I needed these built before the weekend, so I got cracking, and managed to finish them from their partly built state I acquired them in by Friday.  Over the course of Saturday, I sprayed the tanks, and a random collection of weapon options for various tanks and Dreadnoughts I had lying around, and got all the tanks out ready for the batch paint stages: The two stages I want to batch paint, was a silver drybrush for some highlights, and an oil wash. Both these took less time than I expected, thanks to some large brushes, so here is the result: From here, for practical reasons they will be f...

New Edition check in 2

 Hey everyone  Another week, another check in. Life jumped in on a couple days, but apart from that I feel like I'm making good progress. The 150 infantry batch paint is halfway through the dark green, which I'm hoping to finish tomorrow. A day later than scheduled, but I did jump ahead to do a couple of shorter colours to break up the largest ones. Once the green base is out of the way, things will speed up for a bit. Let's take a look at the tracker: That daily average has dropped unsurprisingly, and will keep going down. I'm expecting to be behind until the bases are done. In other news, the last bases arrived, and I'm heading out to get static grass this afternoon, so I'll have basically everything I need to get to the finish line. See you in a week. -Mark

New edition check in 1

 Hi Everyone  Time for a quick progress check in. I'll try and do a short post each week to see how I'm tracking, rather than more regular large ones.  So, first big win, the 10th company batch is finished! So the bases and transfers are still needing to be done, but that will come later. Next up I started the large batch with all remaining infantry: Since I had everything in front on me, I quickly rechecked my numbers, turns out there was more left to paint than I thought. I started off with painting the base coats on the majority not silver models (Techmarines, librarians and watchers), then broke out a large brush to start the inks. Let's check the dashboard: So far on track, with a couple painting free days in there. TThat's all for this week. See you soon. Mark

The editions, they are a changing

  Hi everyone  So, in case you haven't heard, there is a new edition of 40k on the horizon!  This isn't a post about my opinions on the new edition etc, but more about the realization I had while thinking about the new edition. 9th is just about 3 years old, and the chapter project is about 2.5 years old. Which means I've basically done nothing but paint silver and green for an entire edition. Now, I don't regret anything, but a think the dawn of a new edition is probably a good time to get this project done. Well, right up until the new box set launches in any case. So, with the finish line in sight, I sat down to have a look at what was left. A quick look at my tracker tells me I have remaining: 208 infantry 68 vehicles 2 super heavies  That's, a lot. Of that, around 216 or so need bases, and they all likely need transfers. The only rumor I have heard regarding the 10th edition launch date puts it at around the 24th of June, and without anything more conclusive I...

Devestator doctrine

Hi everybody  I've been having some issues with the blogger app lately, so that's slowed my updates a little. It seems to be working today however, so lets catch up on the last few weeks.  First up was 9th company.  I had completed them a few weeks back in a batch, then recently finished the transfers and bases. This leaves me with only two companies to go, but before I could start on them, I had a tournament to attend. The event was warp wars, a 2k teams event in Auckland. To finish up the list I had some weapon swaps, and a couple models to paint. I also had time to add campaign badges  to everyone.  Also huge thanks to the people that had been reading the blog and came up to say hi! Lastly, I have now kicked off the next company batch, 10th company. There are 40 or so done already, so I hoped this will be faster than the previous batches, but so far it's been a little slow.  Next update when they are painted.  See you then -Mark

Sudden progress

Hi everyone  Welcome back! I've been putting off a return to this blog for a few weeks for a reasonable excuse, I hadn't actually finished any marines! But, over the last week or so, a bunch of stuff has been finished off so I thought it was time to get back into it.  A new city At the end of last year, I came yo the realization that my current terrain solution wasn't working for me, so I went down the path of rebuilding it. Over the Christmas break, I spent a bit of time getting this done. After having a painted table I didn't want to go back to just playing on blank mdf, and I knew once that happened it would take a while to actually get around to painting it. So after a couple weeks, this is how the table turned out: 9th company blasts in With that done, I jumped back into painting mode, kicking off with finishing the company batch paint I started back in November. After a couple weeks, 9th company was painted: The final finishing touches are needed, being bases and ...