
Showing posts from July, 2022

A descent into madness.

  A descent into madness. Last year a mate of mine Mark started a massive hobby project and ever since there has been a little itch that has needed to be scratched. I also wanted a big project to work on, but the big question is, what? (I mean also why? Why on earth do you want to do this to yourself?) I had always liked the look of Kasrkin and I was forced to buy a few taurox to convert into goliath rockgrinders for a tournament for my GSC army. I magnetised the taurox grinders and had my first models. Now to decide on what the big project should be? A full regiment of Kasrkin looked like a good challenge so I came up with a plan to do this: I picked up a few boxes of Kasrkin and worked out a paint scheme that I was happy with. I needed something that I could do pretty quickly (as the regiment will end up being 510 models), that also looked good. I had tried using contrast paints before with varying levels of success and decided to give them another try for a practice model....

Wait, where was I...

Hey everyone, welcome back.  Life caught up on me over the last couple of weeks, and I may have forgotten to post! I started off the month with a plan to go heavy into transfers and bases, so I continued on with 3rd company: Then somewhere in the middle of all this, distractions happened. Firstly, a solution to the shelving and display arrived! The top image shows the whole collection, but the chapter now has it's own location. I still want to light and paint the shelves at some point: The next distraction was slightly smaller. One of our local stores was doing a clear out of MacFarlane toys, and I couldn't resist a hellblaster.  Definitely glad I don't have to free hand 1000 chapter symbols... Throughout all this I've been discussing lists for an upcoming team event. My initial nomination from the team was for Harlequins, but post the nerfs, and with me not having the right models for t...