
Showing posts from October, 2022

95 arrows

Hi Everyone  Several months ago, I went on a mission to batch paint a full company of marines at once. This actually went pretty well, and I will be repeating this for the remaining marines. But once the company was done, it just sat, waiting for tournaments to happen, and 6th company to be finished, before it received it's basing and transfers. This month the wait was finally over, and I painted up the bases and glued them on. This was where the trouble started, as I realized I didn't have enough transfers to do 100 battle line arrows. I scrambled together every one I had, and found I only had 67. Hen happened to find 20 more, and I snatched up 10 more from Trademe to take me to 97. In desperation I took a look at the models to find that 5 had sculpted arrows already, or detail on the pads. I was just going to have enough! So here is the finished 7th company. This is a reserve company consisting of 10 tactical squads plus Command: ...

Hobby Adjacent

Hey Everyone  I've been busy with a bunch of stuff this last while. Most of it wasn't guardsmen...  Teams; Kraken Wargaming hosted their teams event in September and I had bowed out, I was meant to run my first marathon but I blew up my knees a bit prior to the event so could jump back in… Our team had picked up a wonderful replacement in Gary so I joined as team admin. I did the pairings for the team and brought a bit of hobby stuff to do while my team were playing their games. I did bring my army just in case someone dropped out and another team admin and I managed to play the slowest game of 40k ever. We set up, checked on our teams, he played a turn, checked on our teams, I had my turn, check on teams. The game lasted about 8 hours (knights vs AM which was a win to me). The teams event was incredibly well run and I’m proud of my team for managing to take out 3 rd overall. I think I did a pretty good job on pairings based on the information that I had been given and ...

Fastest and slowest

Hi everyone  As usual it's been a busy few weeks, so blogging fell off the radar. On the bright side, that means a battle company is ready to roll! NZTC   First up, I had to finish off my army for NZTC. This meant some transfers on all the models. I finished the Squad markings with enough time too add a campaign badge to each model. It seemed a great way to recognize those models that make it to events. In terms of results, Doug did a great job of pairings, even with the terrible info we gave him and we came away with 3 wins, a draw and a loss. I personally ended up with 3 wins, and two losses, which I was happy with. Overall, the team came in 3rd which was a great result!  Painting progress   Once the event was all out of the way, I wanted to get some half finished companies done. First up was 6th company. 6th company is normally either all Battle line Squads, or bikes. I've gone with a bike, Speeder combo instead, and...