This community is awesome - Episode 15

Welcome back everyone One thing that has always kept me in this game over the years is the awesome people that make up our community. I've made lifelong friends through this game, had hours of fun and helped support charity through organized events. The podcast and blog has given me opportunity to meet and interact with more awesome people, so thanks everyone who listens to us on NZ40Kabal, and for reading along. This last two weeks has given me another couple of good examples of this. I've had a couple people reach out with offers of marines, Ben found some more (see below), and another mate is getting me a list and price for some more (will see what happens here). By far the highlight was the marines that turned up out of the blue in my mailbox. Turns out, "southern correspondent" Gary had needed a break from his project, and decided to paint up some Doom legion. He then sent these down to me. He had done the main colors to match my scheme, and left the small det...