Primary directive - 2nd company drops in
Hi everyone
A good news post ahead. Let's start off with the title of the post, 2nd company is all done! This is the first of two full primaris companies, this one in Mark IX armour. Painting was all finished for the last post, so this week was all about painting all the bases and transfers, before finishing off with the traditional company shoot:
With these boys done I now have four fully painted, based, and squad marked companies. Six to go...
The last major development this week was the arrival of a special order. Consisting of 42 vanguard, 3 outriders, an attack bike, a land speeder, 3 suppressors, 3 bladeguard and an emperors champion, and along with 3 eliminators that arrived on the weekend, I have now completed all 10 companies!
I'm pretty excited to hit this point, and very surprised at how quick its come along. Huge thanks to those have helped out with models so far!
The various vanguard in with their company
Attack bike and speeder
So what's left from here?
Next up I want to pick up transfers for the chapter, so I can add them to the finished companies, then it's on the transports and armory. The rough plan is for primaris transports for 2nd company (a mix of impulsors and repulsors), land raiders for 1st company, 3 of each battle tank, some aircraft and a selection of super heavies. This will be supported by a handful of tech marines.
I have a selection of tanks already, so those, along with the last of the marines are waiting to be built and sprayed. My plan is to have that done next so the full chapter will be built and silver!
See you in two weeks for an update.
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