Waiting for the postman- Episode 21

Gratuitous terminators 

Welcome back everyone! 

Thanks to everyone who came and checked out the one year anniversary post, I hope you are enjoying watching this come together as much as I'm enjoying building it!

This last couple of weeks felt like a drag. Whenever I order anything, I have a bad habit of checking it progress on tracking way to much, and since we went into Levek 3 lockdown it opened up a wider range off stuff to order. Unfortunately for us and the rest of Auckland, so postage went bezerk and it took a while for everything to arrive! Some things I was waiting for were more nuln oil, some matt white from army painter and an army painter wet pallet which too about 2 weeks. More models are coming, but back to them soon. 

I did finally manage to pick up more spray paint, so I started off with a big batch spray:

so Shiney and chrome

I always love this step, as it means the whole chapter is one color, rather than a hodge podge. I have decided to work on 1st and 5th company together, so on the painting table went the last of the terminators, and a Ravenwing apothecary who is a regular in my gaming lists:

I also finished "Benedictus Falco" 1st company captain 

Eventually my matt white showed up, so I used it as the final white highlight, and painted all the terminators helmets white. This meant all the normal terminators were finished, so I couldn't resist some group shots:

After working on first company, I moved to 5th, and painted up a tactical squad as well as the company champion and a Lieutenant.

That was all my finished painting this week, there is a half finished squad of bladeguard on the painting table. 

I put in a couple of orders to my new favorite website, troll trader. This site recently came to my attention and is a great way of sourcing 2nd hand minis. They have a stunning range, and reasonable prices. I put through 2 orders, the first finished off 1st company, with 10 Tartoras terminators and some vanguard vets. The second came when I realized I wasn't getting out of lockdown before payday, so I picked up 2 attack bikes and some plasma inceptors. Que more waiting. Why are they waiting to leave the country for 10 days? Anyway. 

That's all for now. See you in two weeks. 



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