Lockdown blues -episode 19
Welcome back everyone.
Well here we are. For those who don't know, I live in New Zealand, when it comes to COVID, we don't fuck around. So when we found an unexplained community case we locked down hard. 2 weeks later we are up to 400+ cases and looking like another couple of weeks of lockdown to go. This came at about the worst time for me personally (not that there is ever a good time), and I missed the last week in the office at my old job, my birthday, my holiday and looking like the first weeks at my new job will all be locked down. The pay off will hopefully be life back to normal in a few weeks, so it's worth it, but still sucks.
In this time I have had to work from home and have 2 small kids to look after, so haven't had a massive extra amount of extra hobby time, but that said I have been busy, let's take a look.
From a purchase perspective, I went halves in a couple of lots with Phil, but it is all waiting for lockdown to be over to arrive. So I'll talk to that when it arrives.
First up on the paint table was a full 9 man unit of centurions, with an attendant lieutenant. These were lined up for the Auralux campaign (which has had to be postponed this month).
I then went into building mode, putting together all the marines I had acquired recently. This included a NOS vanguard box, clean up of the last marine lots from Phil, and some terminators (including a captain) which are in a list I am building for a team mate in a few weeks. There is only about 10 models to go for this list, but I ran out of spray paint and now can't get any. I'm either going to end up in a rush the week before, or, more likely the event will be canceled due to lockdown.
With this build I finished off all the models for 2nd company! I'm quite excited as that is a full primaris company.
I followed this up with a pile of bases, which was supposed to include all the ones I needed for the tournament army, but I missed a pile of 40mms and will have to build more again later on.
After this, I felt like something a bit different before painting the next unit (that's one good thing about a project this size, there's always something to do), and applied the squad markings to a tactical squad
This took a bit longer than I would like, about 1.5hrs, but looks really good. Last up this week was a couple of squads of scouts, 5 of which were needed for the tournament army.
Well that's it for now, I'm pretty happy with the progress I made. This month marks the 12 month period since I started the chapter, I'm hoping to do a round up, but will wait a little longer until the last of the models I'm waiting on arrive, and I hope I can finally get the shelves to set the army up, which I also couldn't get due to lockdown (starting to sound like a broken record now). What I have decided is to finish off 4th company next, only 3 squads remain, and I could also complete the squad markings as well. The only thing to interrupt that would be levels changing to allow me to finish off the tournament army.
Well, thanks for reading, see you in a couple of weeks.
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