The Auralux campaign- episode 13
Hi everyone
Welcome back!
It's been a quieter couple of weeks on the painting front, but before I get to that some quick admin. Those of you who have been following from the start (thank you so much!) Would have seen that I came over from our old website which unfortunately lapsed and I lost all the content. I have now uploaded the draft versions I had of that content and added what I think are most of the right photos. If you have recently started following along and want to catch up of the start of this journey you can now find them in the main blog with "repost" in the title.
My monthly budget has come in and has gone a couple of ways. First up I'm heading to a teams event next week. One of our team has Dark Angels, so I'll be using my harlequins. Quick update on how I go next time. Next up I went back to Aliexpress and picked up 200 32mm bases, enough to do a couple of companies worth of marines, I expect about a month for them to arrive. I have some budget left which I'm hoping to split two ways, First on a couple of (currently) cheap trade me auctions, and a third round of marines from Doug. I will have an update on the in the episode or two.
The Auralux campaign
Right, that's the admin out of the way. This month we kicked off our hobby campaign. This is a project kicked off with Doug and I, and with a bunch of our local friends. The idea is to motivate us to paint some units we probably wouldn't normally, and to have some deadlines to work towards. The first month the goal is to paint 500pts, then escalate by 250pts each month until we have a 2000pt army! Each month we will get together and play some games with our armies. In game we can earn ourselves additional benefits such as opening up force organization slots, or earning relics or additional points. The campaign will close with an apocalypse game!
(For those from overseas, I'm from NZ and we currently have no Covid restrictions).
I'm using the marines, and will be committing 5th company to the fight, along with support elements from 1st and 6th companies. First up on the painting bench was 1st squad and the captain
This was followed up with 2nd squad and a Talonmaster
I couldn't deploy it with silver bases, so next up was a bulk batch of bases. I did all the 32mm bases I had, including any finished marines, then any other ones on things like terminators that were finished:
this gave me about 100 finished bases, enough to base up the Auralux units, the bezerkers for sale, all the finished terminators and primaris models and some spares. Of course the next day the 40mm bases for the bezerkers arrived. I'll try and wait for my new 32s to arrive before doing those.
Everything glued on:
Bezerkers for sale
Around painting the Auralux units, I'm going to push hard to get a small chaos force ready for sale. I immediately discovered how much I don't like painting rims. I'm not the most excited to paint this army, so I plan on grinding through it in large batch paints. Here is wip of the bezerkers batch:
After this is some terminators, cultists and deamon princes.
Well that's all for now. Next time I hope to have most of the bezerkers finished.
See you in couple of weeks
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