A long gap, then another gap

Hi everyone, welcome! 

Life's been a bit funny of late, so while this blog normally comes out every two weeks it's been a month since my last post. Easy reason for that, I caught COVID. While I was lucky and it was mild it killed my energy for a bit. Following that we finished off the process of buying and selling our house. Today's post will cover everything that I've managed right up until I packed everything in boxes, then I'll be back in probably 4 weeks or so once it's all unpacked! 

So let's get into it. 

At the end of the last post, I'd finished all the building for everything I had, so the next thing was a pile of spray painting:
the initial goal was for everything to be sprayed, but I under estimated how spray I would need! It ended up that 4 drop pods and 2 planes will have to wait until next time. 

After some recovery time, I kicked into some painting. Based on what I have left to do, I'm going to alternate between primaris and first born companies for some variety. Most of the lists I'm currently using are Ravenwing/Deathwing combo lists, so I decided to go with the mixed 6th company, which holds all of the chapters bikes and speeders. I couldn't resist the pile of land speeders sitting there, so I did all the remaining ones at once:
Standard speeders
I was planning to add the extra weapons to this guy, but once he arrived I couldn't think of a way to do it I liked, so he will stay as is.

Next up was a squad of first born bikes and the captain 
Since the companies have all been bought, I decided to pick up the skull transfers for the chapter symbol. I hadn't been able to find any off the rack in the Doom Legion chapter symbol, but I was recommended Skumb4g customs. I reached out on Facebook, and within an hour had a response, a price and an image. What's in his Facebook page definitely doesn't cover the range he has, and he was able to make changes to colours etc if needed as well. I placed my order, and they were in the mail only a couple of days later. I was super happy with the service! 

Not only did I place the order, but the transfers arrived a couple of weeks later. Overall quality was great. The only thing that I didn't realize was that the clear surround covers the whole page. I've only ever used GW transfers before, so this caught me out as I'm used to to clear bit only being a small overlap past the transfer. I imagine this is probably the case with most custom transfers you can buy online, or self print. To work through it, I'll be picking up a sharp craft blade, and cutting the transfer as close to the image as I can. 
I did manage to get 3 squads done with some different types:
and the sheet:
The marines are done with the smallest size, the terminators the next size up. I'm looking forwards to playing around with some different ones on banners etc.

That brings me up to moving. Just before I packed it all up, I took the chance to get it all together for some photos! 

More photos of the companies on my other socials, where ever you found me.

That's all for now. See you in a few weeks 



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