In fine company- episode 20
Welcome everyone
Well I'll start from the top this week, I finished a battle company!
Well, if I'm honest there are a few little bits to go, namely back banners on the sargeants, and the chapter symbols. Both of those need component purchased that I'm likely going to get once all the infantry is purchased. I'll then bulk finish those components for the whole chapter. So let's take a closer look at what I finished off this week.
First up was the remaining infantry to paint for the company. This consisted of 10 assault marines, and 2 devestator squads.
I'm still in lockdown, so I spent some evenings, and a little bit of was supposed to be a quiet holiday painting, and I think I can probably paint a marine with my eyes closed by now, so it was only taking a couple of sessions per squad, and all 30 took less than a week.
I didn't quite have enough bases to finish the company, and was missing some for the tournament army (which isn't going ahead as planned for now anyway), so worked on a batch of bases for them. Alongside this, I wanted to add the squad markings. Ben gave me a big pile of transfer sheets, which has enough for several companies, so I got stuck in.
Once I got the process down, it took about 1.5hrs to complete 20-30 marines. I used a combination of micro sol, micro set and matt varnish and I am super happy with how they came out. They look painted on! I had put off using transfers for years because I was never happy with the look, but since then the quality of the transfers, and the resources available to work with them have vastly improved, so I'm now very happy with the result. Once everything was done, I couldn't resist getting some shots of the whole 4th company!
That's all for now. I am finishing off something unrelated at home for a couple of evenings, then after that I'll be back into painting some terminators. All going well I plan to be back for a bonus episode next week, with a full round up of the progress after 1 year.
See you then
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