Sudden progress

Hi everyone 

Welcome back!

I've been putting off a return to this blog for a few weeks for a reasonable excuse, I hadn't actually finished any marines! But, over the last week or so, a bunch of stuff has been finished off so I thought it was time to get back into it. 

A new city

At the end of last year, I came yo the realization that my current terrain solution wasn't working for me, so I went down the path of rebuilding it. Over the Christmas break, I spent a bit of time getting this done. After having a painted table I didn't want to go back to just playing on blank mdf, and I knew once that happened it would take a while to actually get around to painting it. So after a couple weeks, this is how the table turned out:

9th company blasts in

With that done, I jumped back into painting mode, kicking off with finishing the company batch paint I started back in November. After a couple weeks, 9th company was painted:

The final finishing touches are needed, being bases and transfers, but I've put that off to work towards a major milestone.

Final arrivals

After about 6 weeks in transit, my UK order finally arrived! 3 Impulsors for Troll Trader. This means that everything for the chapter is now here!

Now everything is here, I wanted to get everything I could built (with the exception of a couple of surprises at the end). This started off with cleaning up the premade Impulsor, and assembling the 2 NOS ones.

 With those done, I have a large back log of tanks to clean and tidy up and everything will be built. More on that next time.

I'll finish up with a couple of battle shots on the new table!

See you next time!


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