Fastest and slowest

Hi everyone 

As usual it's been a busy few weeks, so blogging fell off the radar. On the bright side, that means a battle company is ready to roll!


First up, I had to finish off my army for NZTC. This meant some transfers on all the models. I finished the Squad markings with enough time too add a campaign badge to each model. It seemed a great way to recognize those models that make it to events.

In terms of results, Doug did a great job of pairings, even with the terrible info we gave him and we came away with 3 wins, a draw and a loss. I personally ended up with 3 wins, and two losses, which I was happy with. Overall, the team came in 3rd which was a great result! 

Painting progress 

Once the event was all out of the way, I wanted to get some half finished companies done. First up was 6th company. 6th company is normally either all Battle line Squads, or bikes. I've gone with a bike, Speeder combo instead, and removed the speeders from 7th company. In my head, this is due to the Doom Legion having half of their chapter fall to Nurgle, and changing their 6th company to hunt them down, in a similar manner to the Dark Angels, while still following codex chapter guidelines. 

Left to go were Outriders, ATVs, a character. After that were the remaining bases and transfers.

6th company has been a funny one, I had some times where I needed, or wanted, specific elements. There were also various distractions throughout. So rather than a big push to get the company done, it's been done it bits and pieces. This meant that the company has probably taken the longest from start to finish. 

Due to a brief version of a tournament list, I also ended up with 2 captains in the company. I'm going with the theory of two weapon options for that one!

Anyway, here are some more shots:

Well, that's all for now. It looks like I have gathered the transfers I need for 7th company, so I'll be finishing them off next. See you then.



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