Aggressive and sneaky

Welcome back everyone 

After kicking back into painting a few weeks back, I really felt like I hit my stride again this week. To start off, I carried on with my box of 3rd company, first up was a squad of aggressors:

I say squad, since its 10th squad in the company, but in game terms it will be 6 with flamers and 4 with boltstorm. These guys also took me over the 500 marine painted count!

In the same vein, I followed this up with 9 inceptors with bolters
The plan was to follow this up with the other squad on inceptors, but I got distracted. I'd come up with an idea for a narrative campaign with Ben, pitching his steel legion against my Doom legion. The slight catch was for the first mission, I needed some vanguard. I started off with a squad of eliminators:

These were great fun to paint, but the cloaks were time consuming, taking up almost the same time as an extra whole squad! 

While those was going on, Ben was also painting, grinding his was through a massive batch paint of 50 guards men, which are looking great I'm sure you'll agree:

(I can't wait to see these all done)

This got me thinking, Ben does admit, while your in it, it's a bit of a grind, and I've done large batches before and hated it. But, it's definitely more efficient. I have a bit of a crazy idea brewing (more on that soon). So to give it a bit of a speed test, I started on a batch of 20 vanguard and a lieutenant. It normally takes about 3 evening sessions to paint 11 guys. I managed to get an extended session in, but still got the batch finished off in 3 sessions:

This is going to result in something stupid happening. More on that below.

Armour inbound

With all the marines purchased, it's time to turn my attention to the armoury. The rough plan for thos is enough transports for 1st, 2nd and 4th company and 3 of each of the mainline battle tanks. A bunch of that is already purchased, but I went to see old mate Doug again who set me up with a bunch of tanks and aircraft, along with a couple of walkers.
There is a few bits missing that Doug is hoping to locate still. Next month I'll be heading back his way for a bunch of walkers.

Stupid batch paint ideas

Since the vanguard batch didn't add a lot of extra time, I'm going to go a bit bigger. I'm going to attempt a whole company in one batch... 
The company in question is 7th company. It's a reserve company consisting of 10 tactical squads, and if I'm honest is the one company I'm looking forward to painting the least. I'm hoping that doing it this way will speed up the process and let me have some fun with it. If you want to follow along, I'm going to be doing daily (ish) updates on the NZ40KABAL Facebook page. Come say hi! 

See you for the updates!



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