Lost in the Warp
Over the time I've been doing this blog I've had a new post out every two weeks most of the time. This was not one of those times. The week after my last post we decided to go ahead with putting our house on the market, which led to a frantic massive house clear up to get it ready to go. That week was the first thing to vanish into the warp! Since I had lost the whole week I made the call to push this post back a week so I actually had something to show!
After that was done, I got back into build mode, first up was mostly purchases from last month:
As well as the above, I had a box of Sanguinary guard bought in part with my Warhammer+ subscription voucher, they became the command squad for 8th company
I had a spare bike arrive with an attack bike I bought off a trading site, so that became my 6th company bike captain:
While all this was being built, a conveniently timed Troll Trader order arrived, so went straight on the build table:
Last up was a bunch of conversions to build the characters for 3rd company in Gravis armour and some Heavy intercessors (I forgot the pre spray photos for these ones)
After that, the whole lot went on the spray table (I scraped through with the last of my silver spray!). As that was going on the next "lost in the warp" item showed up, my Xmas troll trader order from October! After a quick check this was swept up by my wife and hidden away, so photos will have to wait! But huge thanks to the Trolls for helping get this over here!
On the Christmas theme, before I could get back into painting silver marines, I needed to get a Christmas present painted:
I was super happy how Voldemort came out, and he was surprisingly quick considering I was pushing my painting a bit.
That's all for now, on the painting bench are the last of 1st company, which will be easily done pre Christmas, so I'll see you back then for an update.
Thanks for reading
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