1st among equals

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Well, I'm my last post, I said I was going to work on the last of first company and try and get it finished off. It turns out that went pretty well.

First up was the vanguard vets:
Followed quickly by the Tartoras terminators:
The terminators in particular don't have a lot of details, so were done in a day that included a morning and lunch time paint session, so by Tuesday I was on to bases and transfers:
Only 40 of 1st company needed transfers at this stage. Further down the track I'm thinking of a white squad number somewhere on the crux terminatus shoulder pad on the rest, and my chapter symbols are still a month or so away. 

With that done, there wasn't anything left to do but the traditional full company setup!
Captain Benedictus Falco in the center 
This takes me up to 35% complete, with 390 marines painted.

I also had the happy moment of sending my oldest son off to his holiday program this week, which means I'm working from home with no kids for the first full week since August. I suddenly realized this means i can probably get some bonus paint sessions in on lunch breaks etc, so I started a big push on 2nd company with an intercessor squad:
(With bonus company champion).
I'm going for the ambitious target of finishing the painting on the company by New years. Let's see how that goes!

Well, that's probably it for now, due to the holiday season, next post will probably be in the new year. 

See you all then!



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