
Showing posts from December, 2021

1st among equals

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Well, I'm my last post, I said I was going to work on the last of first company and try and get it finished off. It turns out that went pretty well. First up was the vanguard vets: Followed quickly by the Tartoras terminators: The terminators in particular don't have a lot of details, so were done in a day that included a morning and lunch time paint session, so by Tuesday I was on to bases and transfers: Only 40 of 1st company needed transfers at this stage. Further down the track I'm thinking of a white squad number somewhere on the crux terminatus shoulder pad on the rest, and my chapter symbols are still a month or so away.  With that done, there wasn't anything left to do but the traditional full company setup! Captain Benedictus Falco in the center  This takes me up to 35% compl...

Lost in the Warp

Welcome back everyone  Over the time I've been doing this blog I've had a new post out every two weeks most of the time. This was not one of those times. The week after my last post we decided to go ahead with putting our house on the market, which led to a frantic massive house clear up to get it ready to go. That week was the first thing to vanish into the warp! Since I had lost the whole week I made the call to push this post back a week so I actually had something to show! After that was done, I got back into build mode, first up was mostly purchases from last month: As well as the above, I had a box of Sanguinary guard bought in part with my Warhammer+ subscription voucher, they became the command squad for 8th company  I had a spare bike arrive with an attack bike I bought off a trading site, so that became my 6th company bike captain: While all this was being built, a conveniently timed ...