Cleaning out a closet -Episode 16

Welcome back everyone 

Well this post begins as it often does, with a mate clearing out some space marines! The friend in question is someone I have met through tournaments, Dean. Dean has recently had twins, and understandably needs extra space in his house! After some quick chats and organization, I had 3 boxes of marines in my hot little hands. What was a bit different about this lot, was the number of vehicles. It contained:
6x rhino hulls (one ruined for terrain and bits)
3x dreadnoughts 
1x storm raven
30ish first born with various weapons
10 terminators 
A couple of characters 

This was great for finishing off a few things. The heavy weapons and some of the tactical marines went into 9th company, which now just needs the last of the command staff to be complete. Some of the left over marines went into 8th, and formed two assault squads on foot, this is probably all the assault marines I need. There are 80 assault marines, with the rest of the space put aside for centurions and Sanguinary guard. The dreads all got arms courtesy of Doug's bits box, and distributed out amongst the companies. I was happy to find 2 cyclones with the terminators, and another from Doug meant the terminators filled out the last of the storm bolter/fist terminators I want, and I scrounged enough parts off Doug and my own bits to get up to 8 lighting claws and 5 th/ss terminators. I have two more terminator bodies in bags if I can get some lighting claws and shoulder pads.
The last of the models were the tanks. These were all assembled as rhinos (although I realized last second I'm short a top hatch) and along with the storm raven will go into 4th company, which is now able to be fully mounted! 

I managed to get this all assembled and sprayed, apart from a few marines waiting for arms. This actually left me with 10 first born left over! At the moment I put these aside, and hope to convert them into sternguard at a later date. I no longer need any standard first born,  which is nice, just a few specialist squads such as attack bikes etc.


Not the marines you are looking for

Most of my hobby time went into finishing off the chaos, which is now fully painted! It's been listed for sale, and I hope that the money raised will help me finish off the terminators and make a heap of progress on 2nd and 3rd company, but I'll have to see if it sells. Here it all is:

Some changes are happening with my storage space again this week, so watch this space, but I did get another photo of all 770 marines sprayed and together before boxing them up:
With that, that's all for this update, see you in a few weeks.



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