Will paint for space marines -Episode 11
Hello everyone and welcome
These minis were great fun, and a good chance to push my painting in a way I haven't had much opportunity to do in a few years.
Time for your regular scheduled chapter update. Over the last few weeks I've been alternating between working on the marines, and working on some models that will hopefully pay for more marines. The first thing I did was spray all the marines I have, so the full chapter so far is together all shiny and chrome:
I've been enjoying playing Dark Angels recently, so the first Doom Legion squad I painted was a squad of terminators and a terminator ancient
The last Doom legion unit was the first of the 4th company assault marines, and ancient
I have got a good idea how to build banners for units without them, so once I get the parts and have a play around I'll share.
Around the Doom Legion, I have painted up a few single minis for sale. The death cult assassins and Coteaz have both sold, which has given me money for some parts, and the necromancer and khorne lord are currently up on Trademe (NZ trading site)
These minis were great fun, and a good chance to push my painting in a way I haven't had much opportunity to do in a few years.
The last recent contribution has been a test model for a small chaos army I plan on painting to sell. I will alternate marines and chaos for the next few weeks
Well that's all for now. Hopefully when I'm back in a few weeks there will be more painted progress on both projects!
See you in two weeks
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