Paint-o-rama and moving hosting location -Episode 9
Hi everyone.
Welcome back!
So first things first. This isn't my normal hosting location, and it's been a few weeks. I previously had a squarespace website that had been bought for the podcast by a fan (huge thanks again!), but when time to renew came it was a bit overkill for what it was being used for. So to keep the blog going I have moved to a free hosting location. That issue caused a lack of motivation to write which this delayed the release of this episode!
In the mean time, I have got a fair bit done. Unfortunately my latest orders hadn't arrived, and I'm holding off any more build work until to they do. I did buy a solitary phobos lieutenant, and have committed the next couple of months budget to a friend who is off loading some marines, but more on that when it arrives.
I have gone with a squad and a character as my standard batch, which takes between 2 and 4 sessions. This also allows to move quickly between different models to keep life interesting with what could turn into a mass of silver. The other thing I have done to help my interest and motivation is alternate painting a tactical squad then something else that's a bit different. This should help me move through the approximately 220 tactical marines on the bench.
Right, enough talk, here are the photos:
4th company tactical squad
4th company champion
4th company lieutenant
4th company tactical squad
4th company tactical squad
4th company veteran (and extra tactical marine, swapping for a veteran I had previously painted)
6th company land speeders
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