It's my birthday and I'll die if I want to

Hello everyone Well, looking back it's been a month since I posted last. I've had a few life events drop on my normal posting day which distracted me, but a fair bit has been happening. Let's start with painting progress Next weekend I'll be attending my first big event in a while, New Zealand Team Championship (NZTC). My list went through a bunch of variations, but the list I finally landed on was, naturally, not finished. So I started off with, not painting that: Bikes, as not seen in the tournament list After that, I kicked into the list, starting off with the infantry that I needed, 4 servitors and 10 Incursors At the time, I only had one Techmarine undercoated, so I painted him as part of the batch, just in case I was running out of time later: I actually got through that faster than expected, but the last models I needed hadn't shown up, so I made the call to use the time rather than wait for a larger batch. S...