A long gap, then another gap

Hi everyone, welcome! Life's been a bit funny of late, so while this blog normally comes out every two weeks it's been a month since my last post. Easy reason for that, I caught COVID. While I was lucky and it was mild it killed my energy for a bit. Following that we finished off the process of buying and selling our house. Today's post will cover everything that I've managed right up until I packed everything in boxes, then I'll be back in probably 4 weeks or so once it's all unpacked! So let's get into it. At the end of the last post, I'd finished all the building for everything I had, so the next thing was a pile of spray painting: the initial goal was for everything to be sprayed, but I under estimated how spray I would need! It ended up that 4 drop pods and 2 planes will have to wait until next time. After some recovery time, I kicked into some painting. Based on what I have left to do, I'm going to alternate between primaris and...