Blades of Glory -Episode 22

Welcome back everyone The last couple of weeks have had a bit of a painting focus for me, I'm very keen to get 1st and 5th companies finished as soon as possible. I started the fortnight off with a squad that I was a little nervous about due to their size and details, the bladeguard. It took me most of the week to finish a squad of 10, with a lieutenant and ancient: Overall I was very happy with how well they turned out, and I'm very happy with the decision to add the white helmets for first company. Next in the desk was a final tactical squad for5th company, and the ancient: I got an extra day off from work on Friday, which meant I had enough time to finish a squad of veteran intercessors as well: The final progress I've was starting on some 5th company assault marines, which I hope to have finished in a day or two. I was happy with my progress in the second week, with more...