Lockdown blues -episode 19

Welcome back everyone. Well here we are. For those who don't know, I live in New Zealand, when it comes to COVID, we don't fuck around. So when we found an unexplained community case we locked down hard. 2 weeks later we are up to 400+ cases and looking like another couple of weeks of lockdown to go. This came at about the worst time for me personally (not that there is ever a good time), and I missed the last week in the office at my old job, my birthday, my holiday and looking like the first weeks at my new job will all be locked down. The pay off will hopefully be life back to normal in a few weeks, so it's worth it, but still sucks. In this time I have had to work from home and have 2 small kids to look after, so haven't had a massive extra amount of extra hobby time, but that said I have been busy, let's take a look. From a purchase perspective, I went halves in a couple of lots with Phil, but it is all waiting for lockdown to be over to arrive. So I'll ...