
Showing posts from April, 2021

Will paint for space marines -Episode 11

Hello everyone and welcome  Time for your regular scheduled chapter update. Over the last few weeks I've been alternating between working on the marines, and working on some models that will hopefully pay for more marines. The first thing I did was spray all the marines I have, so the full chapter so far is together all shiny and chrome: Over 500 marines strong! I've been enjoying playing Dark Angels recently, so the first Doom Legion squad I painted was a squad of terminators and a terminator ancient The last Doom legion unit was the first of the 4th company assault marines, and ancient I have got a good idea how to build banners for units without them, so once I get the parts and have a play around I'll share.  Around the Doom Legion, I have painted up a few single minis for sale. The death cult assassins and Coteaz have both sold, which has given me money for some parts, and the necromancer and khorn...

Life in 3 dimensions -bonus episode

Happy Easter everyone I've mentioned a few time over the last 8 weeks or so that I was awaiting an order of 3d printed parts. After much anticipation they turned up last week, so I thought I would do a bonus post to talk about them.  Why 3D? Resin 3d printing has opened up a number of different options for modelers around the world. It allows for easy customization of minis, spare or out of print parts, and even unique figure customization. Buying a printer is an option but be aware that it's almost a hobby in itself to learn how to use it. It also requires special resins, which can give off gasses, so you need some special space to do it. Thos makes it a difficult option for some. I have a makerbot at home, but it is filament, which makes it suitable for terrain but not really minis. To help out I reached out to a friend of mine in Oz who has a 3d printing business.  3d for hire. This is a good option if you want to take advantage of 3d printing, but don't have the time or...