I'm Back!

Welcome back everyone! Well, it's been a while since I posted, and since that time I've been very busy with moving house and not busy with hobby! Over the last few weeks I've finally got the house set up enough that I could break out the brushes again. There is a slight catch though, this is the currect state of my hobby display while i wait for shelves to arrive: Somewhere in these boxes is about 40k worth of eldar, and a chapter of marines. Rather than go digging though all the boxes to find bikes I was working on, I just opened the first box I could find and went to work. It turns out, what was in that box was a bunch of 3rd company marines in Gravis armour. First up was a squad of Heavy intercessors and a lieutenant As much as I hated building these guys, they were actually quite fun to paint. And yes, I know a Gravis Lieutenant doesn't exist, but I wanted a full mark X company so there is a full Gravis command squad. More phot...